Sunday, January 27, 2013

In which I lose my feet to frostbite

Alright, that statement might be a little melodramatic, but that's how it feels.  It has been snowing or raining every day in the past week.  Since I thought I'd be laughed out of the country if I brought my warm and fuzzy UGG boots, I decided against it.  It turns out everyone here wears them!  So upset.  I am also stuck with three show choices until it warms up: black boots, brown boots, or green rain boots. How am I expected to make my mark on the fabulous world of Paris fashion if I have three shoe choices?

But then, miracle of miracles, it was sunny today!  My friend Jacqui and I spent the entire afternoon walking around the city.  It was beautiful, and when we were walking along the Seine, there was even an accordion player.  It was so stereotypically French we would not handle ourselves.

On our way home, we ran into a rally in support of gay marriage.  This was a response to the rally a couple of weeks ago protesting the legalization of gay marriage.  It was really cool because everyone was very peaceful and respectful.  They were just walking along the street with their signs, not trying to get into anyone's face.  Protests and rallies are so common in France that the police have specially made signs to block off roads, not just caution tape or barricades.

This week was really fun, but exhausting.  I come home every night and fall into bed, honestly it's so sad.  I'm 21 going on 100.  On tuesday, a few of us went to a fashion week party sponsored by a magazine.  It was definitely an experience, and something I would not have experienced otherwise.  We got our picture on the website and in the video too.  I am well on my way to becoming the toast of french society, as it should be.

The biggest news from this week is that I had my internship interview!  It was with the National Institute for Sport, Expertise, and Performance.  I would get to give tours, do translations, help organize their spring conference, and HANG OUT WITH OLYMPIANS.  That's right everyone, I get to eat lunch with the most elite athletes in the world.  Casual.  It is my dream job, and I find out tomorrow or the day after if I get it!  So nervous, but so excited.  

Next weekend, two friends and I are going to London for a few days, which I'm really looking forward to.  One more step in my plan to take Europe by storm!

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